Take the Oath

“We do solemnly swear that we will faithfully speak up for the ocean, and will to the best of our ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of our Ocean.”

It’s a big week.

Just a few days ago, the new President of the United States stood before a crowd in Washington, D.C. and took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

We’re taking an oath, too. We pledge to work harder than ever to fight for our ocean and the animals and communities who rely on it.

Join us. Take a moment to make a pledge to our ocean—a promise that you will do whatever you can to preserve, protect and defend the ocean so it will endure for generations to come.

Over the next 100 days, the Trump administration will set their priorities for the next four years. We need to ensure ocean health is at the top of that list. Add your voice today and tell President Trump to make the ocean a priority.

The next 100 days will be a flurry of activity for the new administration, and we want to make sure the ocean isn’t pushed aside. But we need YOU: Help us generate 100,000 acts of support for our ocean in the first 100 days. Over the next 100 days, we’ll send you ten proactive steps you can take to make a difference for our ocean. Are you with us?

Whether you’re on the water every day or live in a land-locked state, there are countless things you can do right now to support the health of our ocean. Over the next 100 days, you’ll hear more from us about quick and easy ways you can help the ocean every day.

The first step? Take the pledge to support the ocean today.

Now, more than ever, we need strong advocates for the ocean. People who are willing to help preserve the fragile ecosystems we have, protect the ocean’s resources that countless animals and communities rely on and defend critical policies that support sustainable fishing, ocean planning, coastal communities and more.

Step up and take the oath today. The ocean needs you.

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Our work is focused on solving some of the greatest threats facing our ocean today. We bring people, science and policy together to champion innovative solutions and fight for a sustainable ocean.
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